Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Do They Really Go Together . . ?

I just heard about the new addition to the menus at Jack In the Box restaurants . . . the Bacon Milkshake.  I'm not sure if I should feel deprived that there isn't a location close to us, because to be quite honest, even though this is a combination of two of my FAVORITE things . . . I'm not sure I would be a fan.  Setting aside the obvious "blocked artery" considerations, let's just get flavor-conscious for a second - do they really go together . . ?
Reese's blending of chocolate & peanut butter is brilliant . . . Dr. Pepper's symphony of 23 flavors is a masterpiece . . . and Colonel Sanders' blend of 11 herbs and spices is heavenly.  And even though I would RARELY turn down a yummy chocolate malted milkshake or crispy bacon with . . . just about anything, I don't think that blending them together works . . . except for a tame round of Fear Factor.  Much like Packer fans and rational objectivity . . . there are some things that just don't seem to go together - but that's just my humble ( burp ) observation.

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