After today's trip to the mailbox I came back into the house and said, "Woo-hoo, let's go shopping!" Who doesn't enjoy opening mail and finding money??? This time it's going to be tough to figure out what to spend it on . . . it's going to be a real challenge, even with Tracy's coupon-savvy expertise. What exactly can we do with $.06? What will the bank teller think when I ask to cash this check?
We had an old Health Savings Account that we thought was closed years ago. Evidently it wasn't, according to the statement we received a few days back. So, after I called the company and officially closed it, they spent WAY more on man-power, paper and postage to send it to us than the actual check was worth. I know . . . it needed to be done to reconcile things and clear the deck, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it?
As outrageous as this whole thing seems, it really does help illustrate a vitally important spiritual truth. Because you and I are not perfect ( we sin, make selfish mistakes, etc ), we do not measure up to God's standard of holiness. Since God is true to his holy nature, He cannot associate with sin. In our sinfulness, we had been separated from God . . . of little or no worth in that state. But, in His amazing love, God showed how much He values us by sending His Son to pay for our sins and die in our place to reconcile us to Him - giving WAY more than we were worth. The grace & mercy He has offered to us shows us that we who may seem worthless really have infinite value, and the amount paid was definitely worth it to Him ( see John 3:16 & Romans 5:8 ).
I know you're probably dying to know about our big plans for the check . . .right? Actually, this is what we plan to do now that we have received it: hold onto it and tell others about it. My hope is that you will do the same with the truth of God's love in the Gospel . . . receive it, take hold of it for yourself and tell others about it.
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